Friday, December 17, 2010
kata kata itu...alangkah bahagianya....
harap semua sihat dan ceria hendaknyer...
kali ini sangat pendek kata kata dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam (chewaah, hehe).
alangkah bahagianya jika semua kata kata yang terbuku di dalam hati itu senang terluah tanpa ragu ragu dan kerisauan akan reaksi pendengarnya...
kata kata yang tersimpan, tak terucap, yang semakin memakan diri kerana beban itu terasa makin menyesakan...
kata kata dari seseorang agar luahkan saja kepada orang yang kita suka apa isi hati kita ...berterus terang memandang mata penuh keberanian kerana hak untuk mencintai itu milik semua...
satu ketika itu, terasa sungguh semangatnya...yuh sungguh! hampir berkobar2 (huhu yuh sangat lucu waktu itu ) tetapi bila fikiran itu menerjah di kotak akal ini secara automatic terus menjunam semangat itu...
saya mahu bahagia...seperti bahagia mereka2 yang sangat bahagia di samping orang2 terchenta...yuh happines
incik tukang bawak belon...adakah soalan awak kali itu betul2 serious seperti kata kata kamu yang menegaskan keseriusan kamo itu...
boleh kah saya berkata "YES, I'M ON IT...YES ME TOO...YES FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART I WANT IT TOO...".....
soalan itu tanpa jawapan waktu itu...dan di sini jawapan itu terungkap...
oleh itu, kamu kamu semua jika soalan yang di nanti nanti itu akhirnya terluah dari orang yang kamu suka, terus lar beri jawapan tanpa ragu ragu (eh, make sure you know them well okies...)jangan kamu seperti sebilangan orang seperti saya takut untuk berkata kata dan akhirnya mengigit jari sendiri...
kita harus kuat dan bersedia dengan apa saja kemungkinan...dan yang paling penting tinggal ruang cinta kamu itu khas untuk diri kamu dan orang orang yang sampai bila bila mencintai kamu...itu wajib...
dengan itu, rasa kecewa dan terluka tidak akan terasa sangat...
harap kamu semua bahagia dan berjaya tak kira apa dalam hidup kamu....
semoga kita semua mampu meluahkan kata kata tanpa rasa takut lagi...
gud luck and all the besh!
miss n luv y'all... ~(*v*)~ (*)
Monday, December 6, 2010
yang terbaik...
Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami situasi ,"ishk takkan ler ku yang nak kene approach dulu/tackle dulu/make the first step..bla bla bla"....
kan kan kan. mesti pernah kan??? ala jangan nak tipooo hehe (sebab saya pun sama, in fact mengalami kekeliruan di masa dan ketika ini hehe *tersipu2 malu macam sipot :D)
so, the question is how to overcome it???
jeng jeng jeng...memang soalan cepu mas tahap mabeles...
ingin skali bertanya kepada para blogger dan fida cara2 nya...
mungkin dalam hal yang lain diri ini mampu untuk menghadapi nya. tapi yang satu ini tiada sekelumit keberanian muncul untuk memulakan sesuatu walau sepatah kata-kata...
grab the opportunity, seize the day, dont hesitate and so on...
but then again, am not that strong enough to do so...a help is much appreciated!
till then, wish me luck all...
luv n miss y'all.... :D
Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharram 1433 to all muslim around the world!
to all single out there, dont stop hoping,searching,praying for the one for us...
dont ever give up!!!
to all married couple, have a wonderful life ahead building a beautiful family and lotsa soleh and solehah babies...
and lets us pray for the unfortunate ones, for their freedom,courage,patient and happiness...
may each of us being bless all the time as good muslim and muslimah...
luv and miss y'all...
p/s:dear incik bawak belon, i still dun have the courage to tell u.pray i will perhaps one fine day... ~(*v*)~
Saturday, December 4, 2010
if only...
YES, incik driver is you! i told you straight hurm well literally lar, but cant you just guess???....
haih...not enuf courage to tell you, it is actually you....
hope one day, you will found out the truth about the so called confusing description by me....
ok tata nite nite...
luv n miss y'all.... :O)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
the way i talk n chat...
Satu berita telah mengejutkan saya. The way i talk and chat and whatever comes from my mouth, can leads to misunderstanding. Yes, that person told me its better for me to shut up then say anything. A bit sad, i dont know what goes wrong and i have no ideas where to start with. A small mistake leads to consequences which caused me broken heart.When i feel like i've finally found someone that i can chat with share every thoughts and stuffs that i want to share, this happen. I dont ask for you to completely accept the crazy me, i just want you to understand the situation am facing right now. i know i cant force you but at least,at least please dont say harsh things. i've been through a very bad unpleasant moment in my life now and the last thing i want to hear from you is harsh words by saying looking at myself first before judging anyone else.when did i judge people?when did i say am perfect 100%?
Am not perfect, only full of flaws....
Banyak kekurangan diri dan tolong, kalau ada salah dan silap ku, mohon agar kamu memberitahu ku. Ya, ku tak mampu untuk menilai diriku sendiri kerana kekhilafan diri dalam setiap gerak geri n percakapanku. Dan sesungguhnya diri ini amat berterima kasih sekiranya kamu berterus terang?
Harap kamu tahu, hidupku penuh dengan dugaan. Ya mungkin, tidak seteruk orang lain sehingga ku tak perlu meluahkan keadaan sebenarnya...tapi, ketahui la, dalam setiap tawa dan senyuman ku penuh dengan kekuatan untuk menutup kepiluan hati ku.
Ya, diri ini akan tetap bertahan selama mampu. Harap kesabaran tinggi milik ku.
Ya Allah ku mohon petunjuk dari Mu, tabahkan lar hatiku, kuatkan la iman ku kepada Mu.Untuk setiap ujian dan dugaan Mu untukku, ku mohon tunjukkan daku jalan Mu yang lurus, yang diredhai Mu agarku dapat mengharunginya dengan tabah.Amin...
Buat kamu, maaf atas segalanya.Terima kasih atas waktu mu untuk ku.Setiapnya amat ku hargai, walau ku bukan siapa2 buat kamu, tapi kehadiran mu dalam hidupku walau sebentar saja cukup mengembirakan hati ku. Maaf ya, sekali lagi ucapan terima kasih tidak terhingga atas kehadiran mu dalam hidupku.
Ku akan cuba memperbaiki hidupku sebaik mungkin...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
salam buat semua (tersedar dari lena,segar kembali mata nie)..
teringat kisah2,sangat banyak.
pengakuan malam ini, saya tidak mampu untuk menilai perasaan orang itu.
terlampau banyak berfikir sehingga yang bukan bukan menerjah di minda ini.
owh saya rasa sangat bersalah dan berharap semua menjadi seperti biase.
tapi macam mana yea?ada sebarang cadangan?
mungkin tidak ada rezeki perkenalan itu bertahan lama.
maaf yea, kerana kekurangan itu terserlah di saat semua nya senang.
ikhlas dari sudut hati paling dalam, kata kata itu semua amat dan tersangat dihargai.
sempurna itu bukan milik ku,apatah lagi segala gala isi itu juga bukan hak kekal.
yang baik itu datang dari Allah swt, dan yang buruk itu datang dari ku hamba yang selalu lalai dalam dunia yang fana.
harap semua bahagia selalu.
dariku yang merindui dan menyayangi mu selalu.
senyum selalu yuh!.... ~(*v*)~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
i saw this on some1 fb wall post..n like to share....
Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs. - Albert Einstein
Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow. -... Robert Kiyosaki
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya AidulAdha~
Hope all went well for you today. Don't forget the less fortunate people around the globe and understand the real meaning of sacrifice for us to reevaluate back ourselves...
Even i have to admit that today AidulAdha just like the same lame AidulFitri, i do not wish people around me feel the same...instead i wish all of you having a wonderful and blast AidulAdha...
Have a great day today with lotsa happiness and joy...
smile always, luv and miss y'all!
Monday, November 15, 2010
tabahkan hati wahai teman...
Pagi yang indah,sejuk dan mendamaikan ini moga dapat memberi sedikit keselesaan buat kamu kawan ku yang amat ku sayangi...
Daku tahu kamu apa yang kamu lalui itu pahit, lebih pahit dari segalanya..andai ku tahu kamu menderita, AMAT, pada waktu itu akan ku cuba untuk menolong mu...maaf kerana ke khilafan diri, sibuk diri ini kamu keseorangan...air mata ku hampir tumpah saat kamu menjelaskan apa yang terjadi...mujur ku dapat bertahan...
Kawan yang amat ku kasihi,semoga hidup ke depan memberi kamu kebahagian yang tidak terhingga...moga kamu tabah moga kamu kuat untuk menghadapi segala dugaan yang datang...maaf kami sedikit membatu, tapi dalam hati hanya Allah saja yang tahu hati kami sedih mengenang takdir mu...
Mulai sekarang, jangan bersedih lagi...kami masih di sini buat mu.masih akan tetap menyokong mu masih tetap sayang akan kamu.tutup lah sejarah lama, buka lah buku yang baru...redha dan berusaha untuk ikhlas atas apa yang terjadi...
Buat semua, kadang kala hidup itu tidak seindah cantik nya pelangi di langit tinggi...mungkin berwarna warni dengan dugaan dan ujian...kiranya kamu mampu menilai hindarkan diri dari manusia manusia kejam lagi busuk hatinya...jika amaran itu kamu nampak, berusaha lah meminta pertolongan dan janganlah kamu hadapinya keseorangan...
Insan- insan yang ku sayangi, daku akan selalu berdoa buat kebahagian mu sampai bila...moga sihat selalu dan panjang umur.dihindari dari segala perkara negatif dan dilindungi selalu...
Ya Allah, kuatkan semangat kami dan teguhkan lah iman kami jika kami ditimpa ujianMu.tunjukkan lah kami jalan yang diredhai oleh Mu...kurniakan lah kami pasangan yang mencintai kami seadanya,yang kami idamkan dan penuh keimanan...cemerlangkan kami agar menjadi hambaMu yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat...
Amin ya Robalalamin...
miss and luv y'all....~(*v*)~
Thursday, November 11, 2010
hari yg sgt menyakitkan hati...
kamu pasti tidak akan luahkan kata2 itu.
dan sesungguhnya ku tidak suka menggunakan perkataan kalau...
yea ku tahu, tidak perlu kamu bahaskan lagi...
mungkin luaran nampak gah...
tapi kamu sedar jua kadang kala, terluah kekurangan diri ini...
ku tak mampu menahan segala galanya dalam satu masa...
sedih hati,pilu tidak terkira...
mohon agar satu saat kamu akan berhenti berkata kata nista..
berhenti menyakiti
cuma sedikit cuma ku pinta...
fahami sengsara diri ini...
ku bukan manusia sempurna...
kata kata itu cuma menyembunyi isi hati yg lara...
semoga diri ini mampu bersabar...
Ya Allah tingkatkan lah kesabaran diri ini...
jadikan daku hamba mu yang sentiasa bertaqwa dan beriman...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
If taken, dun fall....
tat title was my wall post tis early morning...recently i realized that some of us may face the same situation as it is a common problem...because we are only human..
but dear, please, u may end up hurt someone that loves you so much..if you found someone that already yours now, cherish them,love them only and do whatever it take to hold on happily ever after... make mistake but do not keep on with that ....stop and reevaluate and you will find the way to overcome it...
keep the distance not comfortable with it, staring no glaring no whatever...appreciate it!
love all,
from the bottom of my heart ~(*v*)~
Thursday, October 14, 2010
cry out loud!
maaf,saya masih teringat kejadian 14th oct.
eh eh knp?
1.cry out loud!....ruining today's plan is the last thing am expecting early morning. gt to rearrange n doubt if it will work well as it should.... butterfly in ma lil' stomach @_@
2.cry out loud 2: ma mum jst drop the bomb by saying..."ma dpt cuti till 28th"...yeah tats ok but...shes going to TERENGGANU TODAY with ma dad till 25th!OMG my whole plan till end of the oct ruined in the blink of eyes!YES BEBEH RUINED SPOILED wash dwn the drain
3. bought a brand new dress at curve but ma sis call me , "hi langsir.."...*O*"...wot wot u call me langsir???....
4. ramai orang sangat selfish tanpa hirau perasaan orang lain...hanya meraka yang melalui mampu memahaminya...moga kesabaran yang tinggi itu milik kita untuk lebih tenang untuk lebih aman dlm m'harungi hidup ini...~(*v*)~
yuh, mungkin saya sangat malas untuk menghapdet kan kisah2 diatas secara detail(oh maaf, saya telah mencampur adukkn bahasa di atas, -_-" )
jujur saya ingin berkata, hidup saya tidak sesenang yang meraka semua nampak, tidak seindah sentiasa seperti apa yang meraka fikir dan penuh warna warni yang kadang2 saya hampir tewas dalam 'banjir'...(banjir di sini bukan lar banjir kilat, banjir air bah atau pun apa2 saja banjir yang ada di dalam kamus dewan.harap maklum)
saya merasa sedikit 'kiciwa',yuh 'kechihwah'...erk mungkin kah perkataan hampa boleh diguna pakai di situasi hari ini...ingin mencari sofa bed di ikea,tiada memenuhi citarasa.mengikut kata, menyesal pula.ikhlas nya kita, salah erti dan nista.
apa boleh buat,cuma manusia biasa.harapan sebuah pengertian,adakah kunjung tiba???
satu lagik persoalan!
harap semua baik2 dan sihat belaka.selamat malam semua!
lotsa luv,
me! ~(*v*)~
Saturday, October 2, 2010
2nd 2010 my beshfren wedding...
luv u dear...
ur dearest fren~ :o)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
TopsyTurvyMum Lucky Draw
second attempt nieh di pagi bute yg indah lagik nyaman!
first entry mcm hampeh coz my brain tak leh nk digest lgk...lepas intai blogger2 len ooo mcm tue rupanya..wokey2...i'll try my besh! sesaje masuk...(xpenah msk kalau menang nie wah happy! kirenyer mcm beshday present utk diri sendiri!)
selebet betul..sorry xcukup tido! nge nge nge
Yieeehaaaa...*sambil lompat keluar*
Berita gumbira untuk andaaa!! *Kalau tak gumbira pun buat2 je la gumbira ye..macam la tak biasa kannn :D*
TTM korang ni dah sampai seru nak buat LUCKY DRAW kat Dapur Malus Domestica hari ini.
Semua yang layak memenuhi syarat2 di jemput untuk menyertai LUCKY DRAW ini.*haku ni kalau bab bagi ayat formal memang lemah*
16 Pc Dinner Set
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16 Pc Dinner Set
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4 Dinner Plates, 4 Bread & Butter Plates, 4 Soup / Cereal Bowls, 4 Stoneware Mugs
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Product Descri
Corelle Dinnerware range is break, chip, scratch and stain resistant. Its made from a unique material called Vitrelle which compresses two layers of different glass compositions, so it's incredibly tough. It's microwave. Dishwasher and oven safe.
Syarat-syarat penyertaan:
1. Anda adalah seorang blogger. (InshaAllah lain kali aku buat lucky draw utk blogger dan reader pulak ye)
2. Beralamat/mempunyai alamat di Malaysia.(Bermakna yang berada di luar negara juga boleh menyertai kalau ada alamat di Malaysia.)
3. Penyertaan mesti dibuat di dalam bentuk entry secara STICKY POST(Tutorial utk sticky post klik SINI) di blog anda. Caranya, copy je la entry ni.(1 profile cuma layak masuk satu penyertaan sahaja.)
4. Setelah siap buat entry, sila hantar link penyertaan anda di ruangan komen entry ini. (Nanti aku masukkan link blog anda kat entry ni)
5. Tarikh tutupnya adalah bila-bila masa sahaja dalam minggu ni(Sebelum Isnin depan 04/10/2010). Aku akan buat entry kalau dah tutup. Bila dah tutup, maka boleh hilangkan sticky post tu.
6. Pemenang akan dipilih DI SINI.
*tak koser feeling2 cam abg karam hahaha*
lame2 bersawang berlapuk
sorry for not being a good blogger for the past couple of weeks (erk,couple mendenyer berweek2)
okie...i'll update soon, my apology again...
selamat pergi open house yea! hehe
lotsa luvs,
me.... ^-^
Monday, August 30, 2010
buat seseorang, ku faham isi hatimu...Incik Driver Belon!
Maybe incik driver belon tak bace blog saya...(alah teda sape pun bace kot hehe aka freedom to write!!! yeeehaaa!)....tapi di sini saya nak luahkan apa yang saya rasa berkenaan situasi incik driver belon...erm lebey kurang macam buah fikiran lar atau pendapat atau apa2 saja yang incik driver rase nak lebelkan entri saya kali ini... (psst, tapi jangan yang negatif tau!)
Hidup kita cuma skali.dalam hidup ini mungkin ada orang yang akan jatuh cinta cuma skali dan terus kekal abadi(sangat beruntung dan patot bersyukur sesangat!)...ada orang pula dia akan jumpa dengan banyak orang aka jatuh cinta berkali2 dan insyaAllah akhirnya akan bertemu jodoh jua(dalam kes ini mungkin ada yang ok atau ko)...dan ada pula orang yang jatuh cinta pada seseorang dan terasa seperti orang tue hanya untuk dia sesuai dengan dia serasi dengan dia dan seterusnya akan berusaha untuk mendapat kan orang yang dicintai nya...sifat ni sangat bagus!amat2 dicari oleh semua para gadis di muka bumi...lelaki setia yang hanya cinta seorang saja dalam hidupnya...(WOW, saya sangat mencari orang seperti ini!owh saya mengaku 500%! tanpa was was....nge nge nge)
Tapi incik driver belon,sekiranya sudah berbelas berpuluh tahun incik mencuba tapi masih tidak berjaya...adakah sudah sampai masanya incik driver belon meredhakan ketentuan Ilahi?kerana, jika kita meredhai sesuatu yang kita hilang dalam hidup kita yang amat kita cintai sepenuh hati, nescaya Allah swt akan membalasnya dengan yang lebey baik...berkali ganda baik...incik driver belon setuju tak kata2 ini???
Kita doakan kebahagian orang yang kita cintai itu...semoga dia bahagia disamping orang yang meraka cintai...kadang2,mencintai tak semestinya memiliki...
Sakit, memang sakit...tapi incik driver belon,ramai orang seperti kamu.akhirnya, meraka berkata ini kepada saya, "hidup cuma skali,jangan lar keraskan hati untuk 1 perkara saja...kerana mungkin kita akan terlepas sesuatu yang amat berharga tanpa disangka2...dan mungkin ia ada di depan mata.buka lar hati,untuk itu.pedih, memang pedih.biarkan ia sekejap cuma.kuatkan hati berdoa lar pada yang Maha Esa,Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang."...
Incik driver belon,jangan kecik hati yea dengan kata2 ini...1 harapan untuk membantu. meraka yang lain pernah mengalami nya dan meraka juga berharap tiada yang lain mengalami nya juga...
Incik driver belon,walaupun kita bukan kenalan yang rapat, tapi dalam hati ini bersyukur dapat berkenalan dengan kamu.hidup pasti indah dengan gelak tawa kamu,senyum manis kamu dan kata2 yang menghiburkan...pasti!oleh itu, duka harap jauh dari kamu,pilu harap hapus dari hati kamu...
Biar ketenangan itu milik kamu,biar bahagia sentiasa,biar hati terbuka untuk yang baru...ingat incik belon, semua itu pasti milik kamu sekiranya kamu redha,tidak putus berdoa dan senyum selalu...
Akhir kata, semoga incik driver belon akan bahagia slalu...bergurau seperti selalu dan diharap incik driver belon tidak segan untuk berkata2 sesuatu kepada diri yang serba kekurangan ini...
I can lend my ear for you,so please do so...let it all out!
Salam Ramdhan dan Salam kemerdekaan buat kamu, incik driver belon!
semoga hati kamu juga merdeka seperti merdaka nya Malaysia selama 53 tahun...
p/s:incik driver belon,kamu jangan lar majuk2 selalu or emo2 slalu(nnt saya blanje eskem ok HD?BR?tp one scoop ajeler saya cume pelajar tidak punya wang ringgit segunung hehe.i admit,tak reti nak memujuk,satu lgk kelemahan diri nie)...nnt tak lawa awek sume lari wokey!jangan hilang kan diri lagik yea,nanti teda kawan sedey saya tau! ~(*v*)~ senyum lebar lebar jangan lupa...i'll always be here for u if u need some1,dun ask me why.ikhlas dari sudut hati paling dalam....itular saya!!!
Kemerdekaan...tanah tumpah darahku, Malaysia terchenta...
Tepat jam 12pm nnt, 31 ogos, merupakan tarikh keramat/rahmat/kegembiraan(eh bole ke pakai word nie?pilih sendiri la ek :o))buat rakyat Malaysia...semoga kemerdekaan,keamanan dan kerukunan nie akan terus berkekalan sampai bila2...
Doa ku buat tanah terchenta, semoga kita semua saling berganding bahu demi mempertahankan keamanan dan keharmonian rakyat Malaysia untuk menjadi contoh kepada dunia...walaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama,tetapi saling menghormati dan memahami...
wokey...another half an hour to go...
Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan yang ke 53 semua buat rakyat Malaysia terchenta....
tata...oyasumi! ~(*v*)~
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010 pouch!
my sis:rase nak beli handbag lar...
pusing2 di parkson alamanda...
my ok tak ?...belek2 lagik...
cuci caught something..
buy rm250 above get 1 free pouch...
eh, omoishiroi yo!
me:eh, free....ok pilih satu utk ku..
ngeh ngeh ngeh...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
terangnyer dunia,hingga mataku tak terbuka untuk menghayatinyer
bazar ramadhan di sana sini...
bulan mulia bulan penuh keberkatan...
di harap semua menjalani nyer dengan penuh penghayatan...
owh, tidak mampu untuk berkata2 setelah ke sana ke mari...
tenaga semakin menyusut,minda semakin lemah untuk memproses data2 yg diterima...
oowh maaf...
jaga lar perot anda semasa berbuka,kerana perut berhak untuk berehat di bulan yg mulia nie...sekian mekasih!
p/s:tak tau nk berbuka apa...pilihan wahai pilihan....
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak buat semua!!!
Rasullulah s.a.w bersabda barang siapa yang pertama mohon maaf kepada seorang lain di bulan Sya’aban, Allah akan haramkan api neraka padanya"...
saya sangat mengharapkan yang ini berlaku kepada kita semua. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Selamat menyambut Ramadan yang akan tiba.semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ini...
p/s:luv u all so muchie... :o)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pemergian Arwah PM Dr Rosman Ahmad, Lecturer di Building Department, FSPU, UiTM Shah Alam
Hari Jumaat 6 ogos 2010, 6.30am, Arwah PM Dr Rosman Ahmad lecturer sewaktu Bachelor Degree telah meninggalkan kita pulang ke Rahmatullah. Arwah menghidap cancer. Semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yang beriman...rezeki arwah meninggal pada hari jumaat,penghulu segala hari...
Al- Fatihah... arwah ada di sini)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
scary truth about iphone...
scary merry of iphone>
diharap link di atas berjaya diupload...if not macam biase lar yer...hehe(maap tak abes ngaji mengcanggihkan blog sendiri due to my hectic life... :o))
wokeh, so many comments and the truth can be judge by yourself...or else if you have enough guts, DIY...hehe naah just kiddin'...
AMARAN KERAS:jgn sesekali mencube nyer tanpa pengawasan dewasa dan proper safety steps wokeh...ingatlah orang tersayang...
sekian dari saya di pagi yang indah dan nyaman...
tata, smile always!
Friday, July 30, 2010
dan knp persoalan itu dipertanyakan sedangkan jawapan di mana2...admit,tidak mampu menambah serabot di kepala okeh!
kenapa tajuk begitu...kerana persoalan itu sentiasa dipertanyakan kepada diriku....
setiap orang tue punya pandangan hidup yang berlainan berdasarkan apa yang dia lihat/alami/, mungkin setiap persoalan itu jawapannya berlainan...oleh itu jangan ada prejudis atau nak menang saja bila perdebatan itu berlangsung...
dengar dahulu sebelum membahas,analisis dahulu sebelum bersuara,berfikir dahulu sebelum conclusion(maaf lupa perkataan yg sesuai)...
jika semua mahu menang,jika semua mahu berdiri di atas keegoan sendiri,jika hidup tidak mahu berhenti sejenak dan berfikir....
apa akan jadi????
persoalan di situ...dan pasti kamu tahu akan jawapanya...
tidak rumit jika kita lapangkan dada,tidak pula mudah seperti mudah nyer berkata2...
harap semua faham,harap semua menilai....
hidup hanya sekali jangan sia2 kan...salah sekali bukan penamat,tinggalkan silam mula yang baru...
okey...luv all...have a nice weekend!
tata ~(*v*)~
Friday, July 23, 2010
kerinduan tentang udara itu...
semoga hari ini penuh dgn kegembiraan dan keseronokan bersama2 org yg tersayang....
ok, kenapa tajuk kali ini 'kerinduan tentang udara itu'...(maaf bukan org sastera, mungkin interpretation nya berlainan)...
petang semalam hingga lar lewat malam, udara di sekeliling rumah berbau udara yg mengingatkn saya tentang suasana kampung...masa2 kecil bersama grandparents and cousins...bau itu cukup mendamaikan...
kebetulan jiran membuat kenduri arwah, mungkin mereka masak sendiri...kecil2lan... bergotong royong tue kan lagik besh n masyuk bersama sanak saudara n jiran2 sekeliling...bau kayu dibakar dari jauh bole membuatkan hati tersentuh akan zaman ketika kecik2 dulu...
alangkah bahagia nye kalau zaman itu sama seperti sekarang...but sadly bila semua dah besar, bekerja,berkeluarga...masa itu bukan untuk kita lagik seperti dulu...
rindu nyer... ~(*v*)~
okey lar...sampai di sini saja...
semoga hari ini lebey baik dari semalam, semoga hari esok menjanjikan yg lebey baik dari hari nie....
tata... :o)
untuk kamu....
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
i ruined my image in front of lotsa ppl today!
yuh, jika terpakse dan tidak prepare and not into that matter pasti semua nya jadi kelam kabut kibut and buat perkara yg memalukan diri sendiri tanpa sedari...
yuh, tats me...!!! argh, i used be a very confident student back in my bachelor degree life...but wot happened to me today is soooo embarrassing,foolish and a total plonker...
i wish i could turn back time and done it well so that ppl wont look dwn at me laughing evilly without mercy....
owh, please gimme lotsa opportunity to do any conference n seminar many many more... i wont mind now...for the sake of my future!!!!
lotsa prayer n hope...
Monday, July 19, 2010
saya sangat sedey...pilu nya hati
tak semua yg kita nk akan jadi seperti yang kita mahu...semoga Allah kurniakan kesabaran yang tinggi buat hamba nya yang lemah nie....Ya Allah...
kadang2, apa yg terbuku dia hati tersirat dalam hati tiada siapa yang tahu. jauh sekali ingin memahami...kadang2 family kita sendiri tidak mahu faham...sekiranya itu semua menjadi butir2 kata, nescaya salah faham jadi nya...penat, diri ini penat...
terkedu, terdiam...hilang kata2 hilang punca...
ya...betul di saat seperti nie, bagai kan hilang arah dan semua keliru semua rumit hanya pada Nya kita mohon pertolongan belas kasihan...moga hati sedikit lega...moga hati sedikit damai...mohon kesabaran tanpa batasan...mohon lapangkan lah hati ini... mohon punya kekuatan yang mampu utk diri ini teruskan perjalanan hidop...
alangkah bahagia nya hidop jika pengertian di berikan...memahami hidop cuma sekali buat yg terbaek, hidup dgn bahagia...pergi lar duka pergi lar sedey hati ini... buang rasa egois,pentingkn diri sendiri dan kekejaman dalam hati...
jika semua sempurna bahagia nya hidop...aah teringin semua nya kembali baik...
Ya Allah...tabah kan lar hati ku, kuatkan semangat ku dlm mengharungi ujian n dugaan Mu...aku mohon perlindungan dari Mu dari segala kejahatan dan segala perkara yg di benci oleh Mu....ku mohon belas kasih dari Mu agar diri sentiasa di lindungi Mu begitu juga semua yang aku sayangi...terangi lar hidup ku dgn sinar kebahagian petunjuk dan hidayah dari Mu...jangan lar sasarkan kami dari landasan Mu ya Allah... berilah petunjuk kepada kami ke jalan yang benar...Ya Allah mohon kami semua tergolong di kalangan orang2 yg beriman kepada Mu...Amin...
semoga hari esok lebey baik dari hari ini...semoga ketabahan n kesabaran sentisa milik kita...keimanan n ketakwaan yg selamanya....teguh berdiri di atas kaki sendiri n pegang pada prinsip...bahagia jua akhirnya...
semangat buat semua!senyum slalu yuh :o)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
di mana kah letak nyer gearbox toyota prius...
so off we go to alamanda even penat tak abes2...
kt sane saya ada kemusykilan selepas melawat n men try n mengeledah setiap inci kete toyota di situ....erm....
"gearbox prius kt mane?"
maaf kami tak tau hehehe :p
Thursday, July 15, 2010
kete oh kete...
yuh saya mahu beli kete tapi...byk tapi nyer...antaranya ialah
1.harga kereta sangat mahal sekarang nie.
2.harga minyak telah naik kembali thanks to our dear gomen lar kan
3.xda satu pun kete yg menepati citarasa ku...i want manual transmission okey (haha few reasons why, but later) dad n my mum..
5.cmne lar nak let go kembara nie tanpa kuar sesen pong!
6.interest kete yg amat tinggi dan bakal meninggi lagik
uishk tengok2 banyakan kenapa ar susah sangat untuk membeli sebuah kete.kalau tak kerana condition present car right now sudah mencapai tahap >okey wajib tukar< teda lar saya mahu menukar...
tips2 membeli kete secare detail di entry yg len...(masih tercari2 n mencari2)
okey lar....sampai di sini saja...
tata, have a nice friday minna!
rase mcm tak jadi jek...meh tgk...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
its new,not yet officially introduce in Malaysia but it will b a "Fiesta" when it does! ~
so here...after reviewing something kewl (it surprised me that i havent talk bout car in here...hurm ) i decided to present u a new model from Ford named Fiesta!
say no more...find it here thru this link...
thumbs up to the Curly Guy, he did a tremendous job in "showing off" Fiesta...
here a brief, why u need Fiesta:
1. if u get chased by baddies
2. if u r in da middle of war
3. and if u wanna go for a Fiesta...
happy tuesday every1...
hope this might help if u looking for a cae..but i heard it Ford try to bring it in before Raya...the price range from rm75k-85k with three version...and wut i like bout it the 75k is manual transmission...kewl huh! wuta blast...hehehe...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
becoming an instant MC...7/7/10
so, tajuk entry kali ini berkenaan menjadi seorang MC instant aka bidan terjun...haha
last couple of days, i accidentally or being asked for or intentionally to be trained to emceeing a seminar on Prof. Dr. Dean Kashiwagi from Arizona State University USA. he's very visionary person and from my personal opinion it would be nice if he's being appointed as visiting lecturer here in my uni.
The title for the talk is actually instant like me too...its on the Performance Based Research and he make it short as "Research with Impact"...that sound kewl right??? i'll tell you a brief on that matter (as simple as it is) as i've not received any email form him yet, so be patience as once he did it would be my pleasure to share it with all my reader (i doubt it, if i even have 1 tho...but it's okey.i did have one follower for this blog...thanks Papa Adam)
okey, our society in education field for example intend to be "A Blind group" rather than "A Visionary group"...upon 100 ppls went for interview at Brunsfield (hope the spelling is right,this is where the Prof Kashiwagi been invited to do some work regarding what he have done to change the world in construction industry) only 5 of them are a visionary person. i myself admit that i'm perhaps one of the "Blind group"...hard as it is but it is the naked truth..*sigh!
efficiency...means that a person or machine do good work without spending too much resources, that means energy, material, capital and labour. Machines are efficient when they can do their task without wasting energy. An efficient car can go farther with less fuel; an efficient spacecraft can fly in space without bringing a heavy tank of rocket fuel with it(wikipedia).
so, if the management in one organization goes up the efficiency will decrease/go down. the less management will rise up the efficiency among workers. the important thing in a project for example is the 'Planning Stage'...if you can put more efforts on the Planning Stage everything will went well... But the case in our industry and others is vice versa. In the industry, the power is on the supplier side. If its efficient, it means the power will be on the contractor side where they know what they doing and the can control the industry...
Blind people do more than Visionary people...Blind people are more detailed than and for them absorbing more info is important...
am actually worried about the fact he said about the teacher/lecturer/academician, "the teacher is good teacher and have done a very well job if he/she can actually make their student become a fast thinker aka an efficient student... if the student failed to be a fast thinker, then the teacher is not a good teacher! owh ohh, he actually open up my mind and i did express my own opinion when they asked me about is it enough for the subjects for every semester for our department and what to be add up if necessary...and i said, put more attention n effort on the software learning and expose the student to the real world and i keep it for myself this, to change the way the previous academician way of lectures like other countries...
am quite impressed with our neighbor and i hope i can learn from them so i can improve myself...
okey, i'm going to stop here...InsyaAllah, i will continue the topic next time when i get hold of the paper regarding the matter...
till then, i wish you good luck and have a nice day...
tata... ~(*v*)~
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rasa Sayang hey rasa sayang2 hey....:o)
and now tak faham kenape perlu ada pihak yg nk amik legal action against us just because of the rasa sayang song...even singaporean use it as their tourism campaign...
it just a song enjoy by multi ethnic here...
just be happy and enjoy the song with an open heart and no hatred...wokeh!
please dont ask me the same question again n sick of it!i'll definitely going to give you a long excruciating lecture if u do...stop all the nonsense n get a life!
well now, enjoy it... :o)
sorry xtau cmne nk embed video kt sini... :o)
Sunday, July 4, 2010
kdg2 seorg itu lagik besh!.... :o)
hari ini,cuci mate di jln TAR...was lucky coz not so congested like always... :)
but, parking saja di CIMB dh rm6.00, well disebabkn xramai yg parking di situ,so spacious n ada guard so consider ok lar...worth it!
bersama my mum n sis pusing2 di situ mencari sesuatu. dan seperti biase, setiap org punya pendapat yg berbeza...bila dah 4 org yg berbeza citarasa, sesi pemilihan jadi bertambah lama n complicated! bila yg itu kata lawa, yg lain kata tidak...oh sgt penat!
but at the end, krn sudah geram saya adalah org terakhir memilih...dan kebetulan the last meter utk 1 set baju kurung...
sebenarnyer, saya lagik suke datang nmpk,analysis ape yg patut trs bayar...tats my style...baju kurung corak apa saja kita pakai akan nmpk manis n ayu jugak... setuju tak kawan2... hehe
so, kesimpulan nya kdg2 seorang itu lagik besh! chepat n takda lar kite pening! sakit ati pun tak...apa2 tangung sendiri lar ek...
sewaktu mrk mencari makanan (my mum pose arini) saya di tinggalkn or meng offer diri utk di tinggalkn, tunggu kete cuci di kpg first time tue...before that siap nmpk sebuah idaman hari iaitu lambo black in color park kt center of jem kt restaurant dlm kpg baru tue..owh ter envy sekejap...and the owner might think 'ape budak nie terlebey envy tgk kete ku ke hahaha'...wokey my imagination ter over skit! seyesly sgt envy...dpt naik sekali pun jadi lar...huhu @_@
n ferari, org utara..AEG 7, knp saya bole igt sebab, mase nk cari tmpt mkn kami bertembung and mase nk balik sekali lagik kami bertembung...
hari ini sgt sejuk, tp hati saya tak sesejuk dingin malam ini...sebab kalu sejok mcm keadaan skng ni lain lar jadi nyer...kan kan kan, betul kan! :p
dan saya tetap rase seorg lagik besh dari byk org yg akan membuat kita hangin... nak nak kalu jenis mcm saya ni malas nk berdebat panjang2 simpan dlm hati...bahaya tau tak bagus utk kesihatan!!!
so, seorg sbenarnya ada mungkin tak paham, tapi janji kita bahagia n kita bole buat apa yg kita nk dah okey dah...
hidup mesti ceria2 slalu, senyum slalu, live life to the fullest!
okey lar, penat sgt...lgpun hari nie tak brp nk sihat...
selamat malam semua...gud nite n sweet dreamzzzzz !!! :o)
p/s:tido jgn lupa solat dulu and siap2 basuh kaki...moga dapat mimpi yg indah belaka!
sayang semua!!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
saya kalau xda soklan cepu mas tue....!
hampir selesai paper utk conference for this nov 2010.
entry kali nie...saya happy kalau soklan cepu mas tue tak di tanya kpd saya berulang kali.kalau ada, ada lar...
kalau soklan itu berbentuk apa yg saya buat sekarang nie, dgn suke hati n gembire saya ceritakan dari detail as possible...
so, saya amat berharap kpd blogger di luar sana faham lar isi hati org seperti saya...
even single kami happy...dan akan terus happy jika tiada tekanan remeh temeh...
okey, time to refine my paper back...
see yar! n dun forget to smile always yuh! :)
p/s:harapan, masih ada? Mr.AH aka psb, am so sorry lar...really.just hope u understd me more...maapkn kami.. :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
whenever i meet ur dad, i actually sees u...
hoping u r fine wherever u r...
gud luck! :)
mencari cempedak time nie?sape tau di mana?
disebabkan bukan musim, susah nk cari...
so, xleh dgr orang ngidam n tny kite kt mana nk cari cempedak.dengan nie sekiranya blogger2 sume tau kt mana nk cari cempedak skng nie pls do inform me k...
time kasih sumer... have a nice day! :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
1 week marhaban di >>KL
hope all well n doing great with whatever u up to today tomorrow n future...
well to make thing short i've been 'marhaban' for the past few days with ma unlce,aunty,cousin along with ma sisters lar...
well, am glad ma cousin doing fine with her life and it shocked me that her house so near to the place i lurve to visit...real close...
then showing ma aunty around KL and finally to the house where i wanted so badly to give a peek if some1 i miss happen to be there...but, well that saram not around caused on call....hey i miss u real badly lar...but not enuf courage to let it all out...batu terus hahaha...
ma aunt used to say this a lot well till now actuall...'haih,ko nie study ok,ape sume ok, tp boypren dh bagi greenlight dah tolong macam2 tapi bile nk kawin'...
aiyark, macam baru beso jatuh atas kepala ku...semua asik ckp pasal kawin...kawin kawin..takda mende len ke??? ayat pedas tak hengat...huhu seb baik cara2 utk buat muke tak selambe dh mmg pro dh...but when she did it in front of his family aka my uncle's relative, rase nk sorok muke bawah meja....waaaaaaaaaa malu malu malu...
tulun tulun tulun.. >_<
okey, i admit am doing fine with anything else, but but but i dont have the guts to tell some1 my feeling..for me to admit that means he might think am an easy gurl or perhaps something wrong with me??? lotsa questions n assumptions, i think a lot pros n cons, so its hard to be me...analyzing the negatives n positives outcomes, what will happens next...well that's why am a researcher...yea am a "LAZY RESEARCHER"... because something bothering me right now...i wanted to let it all out in order to lift up some of this craziness burden inside ma head n my heart.
but the question is 'am i ready for the commitments'?
do i have enuf courage to do so?
what am i supposed to do?wish some1 can lend me courage n high spirit so i can at least have peace n happiness for my own....
thanks all for reading.
upside down merry go around me.
p/s:hope nobody related read this or i might used mask all the time... :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010 new BF!
long time no see eh...
officially i have a new BF his name is Mr D90...i love him sooo much!~(*v*)~
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Me loike! Hip Hip Hooreyy!!! Forever Chelsea!
Chelsea ku berjaya mengalah kn MU with 8 goals....
time kasih MU...see you next year! WAKAKAKAKKAKA...
p/s:semangat berkobar2 utk membuat paper conference secara automatic! YeeHaaa... ~(*O*)~
Monday, May 3, 2010
hari yg pelik di klcc n bangsar..
kebiasaan nyer waktu ptg isnin takda lar heavy sgt jem nyer kt jalan tun abd razak di depan US embassy...tetibe lar plak...jem tak hingat mcm ikan sardin dlm tin sardin tue...cube bygkan dok dlm jem kt area embassy almost 20minutes!YES 20 minutes stuck without moving at all....luckily i've solat first n bought teh boh markisa at klcc fuh at least bole makan2 sandwich n pisang goreng n minum2 smbl tgk org kiri kanan yg mengalami stress yg sama...cuci mate tgk motor superbike...okey lar gak kan... even mamat sebelah kete pun siap bole bace comic...relex sempoi....
ok, but the thing is after US embassy slow moving but not tat too slow lar compared to b4 the embassy area, stuck! Y Y q is Y Y Y?????
its not tat bad after tat area...its smooth till i reached midbelly...
skt kaki ku...
the second pelik punyer situation at Bangsar...
after solat magrib at masjid bangsar, it took me 3 times circling around the same area just to find one single parking lot tat's legal...yes dear 3 times....nasib baik tak tujuh dh macam org tawaf lar plak...musti org2 kat situ garu kepala yg tak gatal tgk asal lar minah nie, nak cari ape pusing sampai byk kali...
my sis siap ckp, tak payah ler nk cari parking kt sini, dh mmg adat diorang illegally park wherever u want...(dlm hati masih punyer harapan utk pusing ketiga utk mencari legal parking lot )
nk pegi czip lee pun susah bebenor...its raining,and syukur Alhamdulillah its stop after i parked illegally in front of bangsar village...yeah diruang, 'sila kosongkan'...
so, jalan lar skit utk ke czip lee tgk org kt kedai2 di tepi....sampai mate terpandang 'owh tat actress, hurm watak jahat jd mak kandung kpd ank pompuan owner Spa Q, hurm pe nama pun tak tau...mak aih'....
my sis look at me,'eh, sape tue ar lupe nama"
my younger sis, 'ishk, tue bukan pelakon ke, sape nyer dia'....
ok enuf of tat...
later, my sis nk makan lar coz cume buke pose minum air n tak sempat nk beli makanan. ok lar, layan jela,so heading to bangsar's food court...(dalam hati:erk, tempat ape nie???spooky nyer....ada 2 kedai jek yg bukak...haish biar betol my sis nie...)
it took around 15 minutes (i dont remember exactly how long but enuf to make me drenched like.....its hot, no fan,even fans hanging happily at every column there) finally the waiter came with a one single menu....just for the foods only no beverages....i asked him how long it takes and he answer me on the spot without hesitation '20 minit'....yeah dude '20 minit'...but as my small lil heart warned me earlier bout that place it did come true when i asked the other waiter about our order n he said, 'paling kurang 1 jam' minit + 1 jam...dude i'm hungry and i've only drink lemon juice stomach drumming with acid rain!
i'm sorry, but we have to go...canceling all orders n paid for our drink of we go to kedai biji kopi n daun teh....bought iceblended chocolate (is it okey?lemon thn choco???hope no harm to my dear poor stomach) available menus that we wanted, n i asked the cashier if the chawan restaurant across halal or not...he said halal but looking at the crowd there....i said something brilliant....yeah babeh absolute smart n should be done earlier!
here we go for the second turn tat nite....
tis is wut we called fast food....although there are tons of negative email about McD....i've to turn blind eyes bout the scary fact and hope it do no harm to us... less than 20minutes we off back home with McD inside our grateful stomach for the food we ate at last....
i know all tis just only a blabbering from a disappointed human beings on earth about the 'malang situasi' at rainy nite in KL....nobody cares, but in order for me to sleep happily tonite, i need to let it all out....there....i feel much better...putting up a smiling face when canceling order just too much with acidic stomach n drenched with sweat...
lil did they know, i promise myself i wont set ma foots there again... i'll only be inside the bangsar village building for my mani pedi or window shopping coz am not rich enuf to shopping spree freely with ma budget tight as a master student...even i do have the money i wont buy anything silly from there...i love sale ...damn cheap quality stuffs and i hate expansive stuffs tat having the same quality as the cheap one....unless it worth it i might having second tot n giv serious considerations with thorough calculations with pros n cons in buying one item...yeah i know the topic is heading nowhere as it 20.30am already.....speak without thinking eh typing lolz...
i wish u a sweetdreamzzz tonite n many nites ahead....n have a pleasant day morrow n ahead.... sorry for the inconvenience n spending ur time reading my not so okey day deepest appreciation n grateful.... till then oyasumi minna!zzzzzzzzz
Thursday, April 29, 2010
epson TX110
let see:
1.too noisy slow (i mean toooooooo slow mcm sipot)
3.erm tats all....
moral of the story, dont buy anything before you absolute sure (luar dalam sumer lar pokoknyer) about the gadget or whatever you want to buy in future...
my style,come-have a quick look/survey/or perhaps cuci mate-choose-brief about the stuff i bought-go home...
take it as an advice peeps! have a nice day...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
mencari erti ketenangan hidup...
jika ada yang tahu caranya,beritahu dan berkongsi lah sesama kita...
pasti ramai yang mengharapkannya dan memerlukannya...
berharap hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini...
perlu untuk sebuah kebahagian yang selalu di impikan...
wishing all of you a very wonderful life and may ALLAH bless all of you with peace and harmony...
tata everyone,nite n sweetdreams...
p/s:lurve you ...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
kaki bengkak...
a very good n happy mornin'...
hari nie dah 2 hari kaki sakit,nk jln pun susah...
erm, perlu ke berjumpa dgn doc?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
my saturday story...17/4
i laugh out loud yesterday....hahaha
1st story:
me:aunty, do u have sesame leaves?-tis kind of leaves we eat it with grilled chicken, beaf,like in korean drama.
ahjumma:sesame leap?-pandang secare curious-
me:yuh aunty, sesame leaves.-wait no more i just head to the fridge
ahjumma:-kuar kn electronic dictionary,yuh i cant believe my eyes either hahaha terbaek lar aunty-
me:s-e-s-a-m-e....ku eje pelan2...yela, bile kite sebut m-e dia ckp emme...aiseh...
ahjumma:aaah ken,soup?n bhs korea yg tak ku paham
me:no aunty, we eat with chicken...erm like sangchu...
ahjumma:-stared at me mcm pelik2,ku ckp english dia ckp korean,hahaha....-sangchu?..
me:aunty pen,-ku lukis rupe sesame leaf dgn comel nyer haha-aunty sesame leaf...- sambil menunjukkn picca yg ku lukis-
ahjumma:aaaah, ken yip!hahhahahaha....KEN YIP!
me:hahahaha-ketawa bersama2-oooo ken yip...
ahjumma: ken yip oebssoe yo...phill market-smbl menunjuk ke depan...
me:aaahh phill market,aunty, KEN YIP...okey..-bhs broken di sini...
ahjumma:yea...ken yip...
me:okey aunty, thank you...
hahahahhahaha...seperti ayam dan itik berkata2...
-to b continued-
nak tgk nona...hehehe
Friday, April 16, 2010
tolong jauhkan batang buruks jar dr mate ku huhu
hari nie dia telah membeli berbungkus2 kuih batang buruks...
kesudahan nyer saya makan tak henti2...
di manakah kuase strong will ku di saat ku memerlukan nyer...
huhu abeh lar diet ku...
even i ate salad only but lotsa batang buruks...
sok pagi musti exercise lgk....
sekian, tata...
p/s:maybe, i should used kuih suci dlm debu kowt, but too long lar....;oD
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
smalam yg marathon
may today be a bright as the warm sunshine...
okey, smalam kn after marathon kt my uni, (seperti biase, knp lar mrk mahu menyeksa lar kan...n i dont give a damn if ada suare mengatakn knp budak tu pakai slipar kt fac, well jwpn sgt senang kalau meraka tny...kasut saya tumit tinggi,tangga mcm 70 deg angle n kaki saya dh lenguh. drpd saya jatuh tergolek baik saya pakai slipar!)
smbg blk,
singgah mid,ada fashion shw by adidas at 8pm something.haih sesape yg tgk dr belah atas where 3 ppls dgn rela hati wat exercise ala2 yoga di situ, OMG, mesti tak terkata apa2 spt saya...even the couple next tue me said somethg erm erm erm....aiyo!
ok end it,
berjaya membeli 2 helai baju!well if u grew up in KL n been in KL most of ur life, the besh therapy for gurls if shopping...even window shopping is enuf!hahaha...
i forgot that sushi king Bonanza RM2 for all plate starting from 12-15 april means today end n so start ur engine n head to nearest Sushi King guys! shouldn't missed it okay...goin tonite again wit ma sis at Alamanda hehe...
but the thing is after walking without thinking each floor at midbelly, i ordered 1 regular ice blended choco n 1 blueberry cheese cake (well u might end up like me if u been marathon around ur uni which most of the area are hilly n ready to kill ur innocent feet/foot or wutever) sis decided to have her dinner at sushi king wah sai, long queue
alamak dh merepek2...still sleepy, yawn yawn!
okey till then...tata!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Happy Birthday bapak!
haha, lotsa ppl i knew born this month...sungguh tak ku sangke!
wokey2...just wish him a happy life, blessed, and healthy!
till then, see yar!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy Beshday Pk spr bz.... v(*v*)v
happy beshday to u..
may u'll be happy n success always...
happy beshday to u..
wish list from me to u:
-semoge pjg umor
-murah rezeki
-sihat slalu
-berjaya dalam hidup
-di berkati hidup dunia n akhirat
-senyum slalu yuh!
-remember me always, erk, haha just kiddin'
Friday, April 9, 2010
kecewe dgn malaysia car pricing
tadi kan after decide cancel p dbkl, me n my sis p lar mazda showroom kt federal hghway...i was so super duper excited 2 months ago as it is said that the new mazda 2 sedan will be around Rm60k++ (if am not wrong lar)...
but then, the truth shocked me after Daren (erm not sure if he the saleperson or wot, didnt look at his biz card hoho)told me the interest for car just increase to 3.25% for 5 years and 3.45% for 9 years! whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
wot on earth happened here???? try to kill each n every malaysian that havin a moderate life n wanting a dream car ar??? die with continuous stresses each day in their life???
ok i admit above a bit over reacted!but still it was sooooo pricey n unreasonable!!!!
unlike our neighboring country, they enjoying their dream car with zero stress by 'unreasonable pricey car........'
owh mood to talk bout buying a new car...the only car inside my head would be mazda n the second one suzuki...other nah, not interested.if this is the case i already lost my interest in buying new, guys u lost ur potential customer here...with ridiculous interest n car price i think we have to sit back n do serious calculation bout this madness....
okey lar minna, saya dah penat minda n fizikal...seb bek dah makan kt midbelly tadi kt little vietnam...bole lar...
okie, oyasumi!ja'...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Attention to all lecturers in Malaysia!
to all lecturers....
so into korean's song :
and this:
i dont know you, but i want you...wish i can sing this song to you pk spr bz... erk, perhaps i just ask u to hear it haha...sore cm donald duck ada hati nk nyanyi lolz! wink wink...(-_-")
ajeossi, jeongmal dangsin-i geuliwo na!
few more days...i want to be the first to wish you that day!
trust fate, believe it will come true...even if its impossible, it wont cost you anything to try to let it all out...once and for all!
okie...later minna!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
yuh...mari bersemangat bersame2....!
di ambang kapai2
bak ikan di dalam ruang udara
merepek repek...
makan kerepek...
owh kali ini sungguh pelik...
owh university ku bile nk masuk duit...
yuh mcm mana nk buat no money no talk...
kesusahan menghasilkan kelahiran yg terbaik...
fahami nasib kami yg masih kapai2...
okie sekian...
p/s:maaf lar yea kawan2, kpl pusing mengenang isi conference yg slow mcm sipot progress nyer...okie...wasalam...
Monday, April 5, 2010
today..there are gud news n bad news...
i really hope that all of you super fine and happy always...
got both gud n bad news today...well i think i go with the bad its late at night and i do not wish to bring any urm well not so sweet dreams to all of you but perhaps some of you didnt mind it at all...
my friend's mother (Norzaidi nordin)passed away this morning...mari kita sedekah kan Al-Fatihah buat arwah...semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat oleh ALLAH dan di tempatkan di kalalangan org2 yg beriman....AMIN..
semoga zaidi tabah mengahadapi nya....arwah seorang yg baik, masih teringat kesedapan masakan arwah di kala ku study as a undergraduate student dulu... (memandangakn awek aka tunang dia adalah satu kelas kami n m roomie kt rumah sewa dulu...
sabar yea least dia tenang mengetahui kamu berdua sudah bertunang n bakal melangsungkan perkahwinan this october 2010 right...
the gud news will be me happily driving through KL hectic congested traffic at 4.30 pm today without 'tersepit seperti ikan sardine di dlm tin'...haha glad...and i got the guidelines for my research as promised and guess what its all free of charge babeh....i loike!
then2 went to mid as i know time like this will be 'sardine di dlm tin' fuh tersgt padan n tak baik untuk kesihatan...window saja sambil menunggu my sis blk keje thn we headed to sushi king as usual...but piece of advice from me...chose the one yg dekat atas coz yg kt LG sgt tidak bagus...sekian...
bought some something for my kimchee (semangat kimchee nie...hahaha) thn blk... hehe again smooth saja traffic...(senyum puas hati sambil bersyukur hehe)
okey lar...dah skt prt dr pg energy dah...
oyasumi minna...
sweet dreamzzzzzz....
p/s:u too dear my pk spr bz....wherever you are...i'll be right here waiting for you! anata no koto matteru yo!...ja' ne ...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Not April Fool but plain truth!
pagi ini bermula dgn kisah2 yg agak xbesh lar sbenarnyer...
yup today bak kate omputeh adalah APRIL FOOL....
tradition fooling other people around you and sometimes it way to much to be consider as april fool for fun!
darn it!...erk apology for my #@$% words today...
scene 1.
bangun pagi, my parent dah kuar...
my maid: dik nie aku ambil cawan putih tadi sudah cakap sama mama...dia bilang ambil saja...
me:ooo(dalam hati:erk cawan apa pulak nie?cawan kecik2 ke mugs?)...mak saya kuar ya makcik?
my maid:iya...nie tadi dia tanya, rumah takda cawan ke.aku ckp cuma ada 4.di tanya sama mama pinggan ada ke,aku tgk pinggan sikit saja di rumah adik...
(owh ok, pelik nyer...well nasib baik gak.pinggan my mum tue sume pinggan arcopal ke ape tah, xtau mahal ke tidak)
i thought just about 2 or 3, i wouldn't mind lar...but then after she left, guess what???
almost all my mugs are missing...erk...specheles sebentar yuh speeecheeeelesss....
owh my god,i couldn't find my beloved mugs i bought from ikea.... and others that i use occasionally...erk!
its pricey for someone jobless aka student like me...haih!sigh*
scene 2
today is 1st april and my bro was supposed be boarded the yemenia air to sanaa YEMEN 11.15am this morning!
YUH this MORNING!!!!!
but sengal nyer lar mang*&% sorang nie!
bole pulak pi breakfast ngn kawan kt luar n end up tido rumah org tue mcm takda esok lagik bagi mrk!
that flight ticket is so pricey okey!
lame excuses> aku igt check in pukul 11.15am depart 2.00pm...wut the #$$$
clearly it wont said check in time stated in the itinerary only the departure time!
owh cry out loud!dah brapa kali naik kapal terbang but u gave me such a stupid dump head answers!
assobaru minnal iman....YA ALLAH...sabarkanlar hatiku nie!!!!
yuh kejadian di atas berlaku di pagi yg indah 1 APRIL 2010 merangkap april fool bagi foolish people yg menyambut nyer...
how i wish the above situation merely practical jokes!
but its so sad...the truth that i have to faced n embedded inside my brain that its a bad day for my family and me...
i haven't told you what happened yesterday right?well its something got to do with my studies...and specifically about my university and KPT (kementerian pengajian tinggi Malaysia)....feel like i actually being cheated by my own university that i dont think i will take it lightly and i never forgive them for that...
will post about it later insyaALLAH if i remember it n have the time to do so....
till then...a piece of advice, dont do any stupid jokes to ur family n frenss...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
sesat di shah alam
hurm sebab saya sesat ketika mencari rumah Dr saya dia sec. 23 shah alam...
yuh, saya dah lame tak jln kat area ape lagik sesat lar...
but i found it at last...
setelah bengkang bengkok u turn sana sini...and guess what, its actually situated at the new developed housing area that as far as i can remember few years back there is no housing area there except factories and business area there... hurm siap cross sungai klang tue...
hari nie sebenarnya terlambat ke rumah Dr. coz useha ku bgn awal before 7am tue xberbaloi...due to unavoidable situation but at least i try my besh to come and see her....aight!
spend bout couple of hours there and straight to ikea to buy new rack and table for me...yuh for me!i hate unorganized workplace! i might spent more times arranging my wardrobe if someone mistakenly placed the shirts/dresses/pants/tops/etc...aiyark tak tau kenape...i would stop whatever i'm doin' and start reorganizing everything back to its normal state...yeah that's me, erk how bout you guys?
thing is,every time i done arranging everything according to 'my standard', my family will definitely mess it up later! yuh, exhausted and sometime i do membebel and tell them all over again the same lecture i gave them if things turn upside down!
perhaps maybe it just me being 'standard freak' hahaha (my bachelor degree's thesis is bout modular coordination and sizing standard for IBS components...i'll post a new entry bout this if i have free time and 'rajin' lar my project right now is related to following guidelines and regulations too hahaha...see i told you...seems like i'm 'standard freak'...everything must be in the right coordination/sizing/color/type/etc)
ops its already 1am...
tired and sleepy...bulan mlm nie sangat cantik...bintang2 berkelipan ....sungguh indah sekali alam ciptaan ALLAH swt....subhanallah....
okie...need my beauty sleep now...
oyasumi minna....tata... (-_-)zzzzzzz
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
dan kemalasan n bermalasan lead to malas2an...
knp hari nie rase sgt malas...
sgt sgt...ishk bad habit! mesti lawan rase malas nie!
owh jap lagik nk jumpe my frens kt cyberjaya...
tp tahap kemalasan melampau lampau...
hurm, sebab tgh 'full moon' ke mood jd swing2???
kene kuat kn smgt...nie pun dah rase ngantok nie...
every time 'full moon' mst lemah 1 badan...
gurls, how bout u guys?
experiencing the same situation?emo?
plg kelakar, tis time, i dream bout pk spr bz...i tot i did smile while sleeping hahaha....(ishk ishk ishk terok betol!)
dear me. i'll try to be super patient n honestly i believe it will come true one fine day!...dun know why, just believe...wink wink ;p
till then, tata guys...
p/s:miss u muaaahhh ~(*v*)~
YouTube - The Future Michael Jordan
amazing n talented kid!whoa kewl...cant wait to see him in future as one of the top basketball player like Michael Jordan!
owh, cry out loud!
meow, lil black cat!
poor cat,
i would help, but hold on tight!
but cat,
we only have each other, right?
please stay by my side,
until i run of light...
p/s:sumthin wrong here, forgive me okie!
till then...tata
Saturday, March 20, 2010
owh...i wish i can fly everywhere....
owh i wish i've known someone that owned a plane or jet or whatever that can help me to find those people that i'm dying to meet now!
bit depress now, gosh! am in denial state for the past few days now its time to wake up and embrace the moment of truth...
someone please, i really need help.... (*_*)
p/s:i dont know what to do...luckily, ada blog...thanks to whoever developed this brilliant tools to express yourself when there is no one you can turn to....owh assobaru minal iman!
ily in the wonderland!!! ;oD
bet u all have a nice day today....i wish u all did!!! but if it wasn't, cheer up and smile always yuh!
well, been to ikea today. bought Lerberg book shelf,its lighter n fits in the small space in my sis's room...(well, 24/7 dgr dia asyik nk new one saja pening...(O_O")...
before that watched alice in the wonderland!!!! YiPpIe hip hip hooray!!!!
so so so so ...tiada kata dapat mengambarkan tahap kebeshan tat movie wit ma fave actor, johnny depp...hehehe...
"i choose my own path"...yeah!
and we officially bought a dozen of ikea's karipap(dlm dia ada quarter of boiled egg...hurm dulu half n bigger but now perhaps because of economy down turn n people need to survive instead of naik harge, they downsized it cut there here n everywhere in order to keep the business alive-erk sorry ayat over skit- ) ...hahaha....guys u should try it, i'm not bluffing, its really good, really...with ur empty stomach, 1st,2nd, i guarantee u'll like it...hahaha 1 for rm1.00 half dozen for rm5.50.. ;oD
luckily n surprisingly jalan xjem...yuh slalu jem mcm dlm roti tue fuh sesak n berhimpit2 kete berbaris seperti salad or sangchu bersama tomato n tuna dlm roti...
used erk ape hghway dr fed hghway yg atas tue ke arah damansara hartamas n mont kiara?alar yg rm1.50 tue..sorry ek lupe lar,pantai expressway ke ape ke dun remember huhu...then straight till penchala link (my sis ckp, jln kt area tunnel tue mcm nk pi genting haha...) grateful xbyk kete gak kt situ n jln depan OU...hehe selamat...
ohh my domino's pizza dh sampi...after 40 minutes!!!!aiyark...well they said sorry n hello free regular pizza for the next order YiPPie!!! hehehe :oD
okey nk layan pizza dulu ...sgt lewat dh 10pm skng nie...ishk ishk ishk...
cmne nk kurus mkn lewat sangat !!!
ok till always yuh!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
whoa!instead of callin' for help she keep on blaming me all the time without concrete reason...aih, bole pulak mcm tue....
as usual, muke seposen (me lar sapa lagik ;p) asking for tat supermarket's worker on what i'm gonna do bout it(but the funny thing is, they ignore me....erm...??? ikot rase hati nk blah jek,kire baik i inform them bout the mess my sis caused*sigh)
suddenly tis apek came to me and ask what happened...after a brief explanation, he then showed me the person incharge for tat section...gosh what a day!
i just came back from 800km 'malaysian book of record driving insane' n tis happened...
sabar jela yg mampu...(i will make a new entry bout tis 'crazy journey of mine' or should i say 'stupid' or perhaps hurm i dont know....but one thing for sure that will be my first and last stupidity n never in my future life i use that scary road...or jalan yg sangat jarang orang lalu in the middle of midnight n no lights n no kampung2...only 'hati2 gajah melintas' n 'bawak kete slow skit kat sini kawasan babi hutan lalu or harimau lalu....OMG....never!!!!!!)
but sangat bersyukur, at least i got what i want...its enough for my gap analysis...
till now, am not quite sure what pilot study really means n what kind of structure i should follow...the besh practice to make it 'brilliant'!...
i better stop now, or i'll regret it later...fuh wish me luck then...
smile always yuh!!!lurve you ;oD
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
" Ya, GPS itu canggih. Tapi ia masih tidak ada cara untuk tunjukkan jalan untukku ke hatimu. Benar?"
sharing the same thing here...
priority pk spr bz skng adalah patient2 yg dlm kesakitan n kesusahan...
yuh saya faham...
dan saya akan sentiasa berada di sini...
p/s:cepat2 blk okies! :o)
Monday, March 8, 2010
rainy rainy rainy.... syukur alhamdulillah :)
paling besh, sekarang tgh hujan lebat....
bumi mesti happy,
syukur tak terkira....
bergembira lar bumi ku terchenta...
ku tau kau byk menderita...
krn dek manusia yg rakus mendera mu...
maaf kan aku krn tidak kuat utk membantu mu...
doa ku agar buat waktu ini,
sedikit kelegaan buat mu...
waktu ujan mcm nie, mesti buat kita rindu pada seseorg kan kan kan...
mesti yea punyer lar...
hujan kan slalu dikaitkan dgn keadaan emo lebey skit...
shadu jek...nk nk dgr lagu yg sewaktu dgn nyer...
time ujan nie kita wish org yg kita sayang ada dekat bersama kita...
time mcm nie kalu ada buat salah mesti nyesal lar...
time mcm nie sering teringat2 lalu amik hp tue call org yg kita igt tue...
time mcm nie serase ada kawan baik sambil minum2 tea or coffee mmg terbaek lar...
time mcm nie sup sup ikan ke daging ke mushroom ke cicahkn roti mmg besh lar....
time mcm nie sape yg enviro concern musti wish happiness kt bumi terchenta (mcm saya)
apa2 pun yg kite rase time hujan nie, moga2 semua org yg kita sayang dalam keadaan baik sihat walafiat and happy and smile always yuh!!!
doa byk2...zikir byk2...igt lar pada yang maha ESA....
okie...all the besh to all of you...muaaaaahhhhh lurve each one of u soooo much!
see yar...
averdeci!ja mata, minna... ~(*v*)~
p/s:dan setiap kali hujan itu mengingat kn saya dgn kamu...keje baik2 ek,jangan lar lame sangat kt sana...nnt busy sangat busy haih tue lar pasal jd pak super busy :p
happy and smile alwyas yuh!!!!! ;oD
Saturday, March 6, 2010
miss you
susah nk tido...why...i dunno..
pak super busy...i miss you!
cepat lar balik...huhu...
nite all...
p/s:nasihat utk diri sendiri...uh cik kak, awak tue byk keje dh2 sana p buat keje.. igt dateline 2nd april....!!!!
dragon heart...
saye ske dragon heart...
ske buah dia...
ske citer dia...
ske apa2 saja mengenai dragon...
for those who knew where to look...
sesuatu yg unik itu indah...
bg org yg memahami nya...
kelainan utk jd lain drpd yg lain...
aaa tue baru namanya tak bosan...
betol tak?...
dan kalau saya di beri kesempatan saya nak buat necklace seperti di xde lar sebijik macam tue...maybe instead of black gem,i'll go for aquamarine/blue topaz...hurm cume belom jumpe gems yg sesuai n perfect cut lagik...
ok lar...
sampai sini saja....kekeringan idea,hehe :oD
have a nice day ~(*v*)~
Thursday, March 4, 2010
bile hati berkata2 lidah kelu???eh!
mcm mane plak kite bole berbahas dgn hati...(fuh bak pertandingan pidato)
eh,mcm mane semua nie bole terjadi...
dan mcm mane sebuah kebenaran bole terungkap hanya dgn berbahas bersama hati...
paling mengejutkan, teman yg paling rapat dgn kita ialah hati...
jika kita sedey, hati ikut sedey...
jika kita gembira, hati juga gembira...
jika kita dlm dilema, nah waktu itu hati akan berbahas bersama kita...
hati yg kuat...(eh mcm mane pulak tue)
menghalang kita dari berbuat perkara bodoh...
mengiakan segala yg kita rase benar dgn fakta(akal juga kawan hati)...
memarahi kita jika salah...
kata org ikut hati binasa...(pulak dah)
kata org ikut hati bahagia...(lar tadi kata lain)
suatu kebenaran...
hati yg tulus ikhlas...
hati yg meredhai...
hati yg pedih krn sedey...
hati yg tabah utk diri kita...
suatu anugerah ALLAH swt kpd kita...
syukur kepada MU ya ALLAH...
ku mohon,
terangi hati kami, hamba MU ya ALLAH...
dgn sinar petunjuk dan hidayah MU...
dgn kasih sayang MU...
dan tabah kan hati kami dlm menghadapi dugaan dan ujian MU...
dgn penuh keredhaan dan ketulusan...
berilah kami kekuatan...
dlm menempuhi hidup ini...
semoga kami sentiasa menjadi hamba MU yg beriman, cemerlang dunia dan akhirat...
hati,maafkan kami...
jika slalu menyalahkan hati...
jika slalu menidakkan kata2 mu hati...
jika slalu menafikan kejujuran mu hati...
jika slalu meragui ketulusan mu hati...
itu lah hati...
teman baik kita...tanpa jemu...
24/7 bersama kita...
maaf hati...
semoga hati satu hari nanti akan gembira kembali...
tenang kembali...
bahagia sekali...
terima kasih hati...
saya sayang hati sampai bila2...
muaaaahhhhh!!!! ~(*v*)~
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
in order to find a very simple and straight forward clear definition to justify my research, i found some of 'em :
A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work.
Basically, a hazard can cause harm or adverse effects (to individuals as health effects or to organizations as property or equipment losses).
Sometimes a hazard is referred to as being the actual harm or the health effect it caused rather than the hazard. For example, the disease tuberculosis (TB) might be called a hazard by some but in general the TB-causing bacteria would be considered the "hazard" or "hazardous biological agent".
(adapt from CCOSH)
for engineer risk can be refer to the relation between hazard and risk can not be separated...
so, what is risk?
Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse healtheffect if exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations with property or equipment loss.
Hazard>possible consequences
Risk>probability or likelihood
Not necessarily exposure to hazards in the workplace always cause injury,illness and adverse health effects...
It depend on.....(to be continued)
ngee ngee ngee...~(*v*)~
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
sian kucing...
di laman fb...
lawak pagi bute bersame seseorg.....
me:eh, ait?..
seseorg: eh ait? :p
me: eleh copy camne kucing bole tiru...sian kucing
seseorg: hahahaha
me:tak bersalah
seseorg:mane plak dtgnyer kucing tue ek....
to be continued!
asam garam hidup...secukup rase???
walaupun org yg senang itu membina kesenangan dlm kepayahan...
org yg xbole tgk org senang itu sedaya upaya m'bullie org yg berusehe untuk senang...
monopoli, bermuke2, etc yg membole kn dia dpt hasil org yg berusaha untuk senang...
owh wahai org yg xbole tgk org senang sile amik perhatian...
kesenangan di atas kesusahan org yg berusaha untuk senang adalah sgt keji....
di ulangi sgt keji + kejam...
oleh itu golongan org yg berusaha utk senang...
banyak2 bersabar and try ur besh to avoid org2 yg xbole tgk org senang...
p/s:erk...segale grammatical errors di sini amat di kesali...maap yek!:)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Salam Maulidur Rasul
erk bole lar...pagi2 layan breakfast tosai masala...
(sejenis mkanan mamak yg menjadi feveret ku dari dulu lagik wink wink)
seperti biasa cube untuk capai target pembakaran calorie sebyk yg mungkin but hari yg indah nie cume 45cal saja....ishk ishk ishk....
hari nie apa yg perlu dibuat:
1. selawat ke atas Nabi kite yg tersayang, Nabi Muhammad sws...(nie bukan hari ini saja tau, setiap masa!)
2. bace journal at least 3 wit proper summary.
3. window di midbelly mebamall (haha hunting lagik seperti biase)
org slalu xbuhsan ke pegi midbelly???
and my answer will always be....nope!!! even lone ranger di situ, tp ada tempat yg saya sgt suke utk lepak sambil bace ape yg patut dibace....di mana kah tempat itu...jeng jeng jeng....
Kedai Biji Kopi n Daun Teh...
so, jika lau anda sume tau di manakah tempat itu...anda pasti akan berjumpe dgn saya if xjumpe saya di fesepu or home or etc... tat will b the last place yg korang pasti akan jumpe saya bersame segelas regular pure double chocolate I/B with fave...
justification is a kene pakse diri ini teruskan hunting...hunt n hunt n hunt... then read n read n read....
eh sedap nyer mum masak rupenyer...erm Yummy!!!
selain sushi,kimchi,kimbab,various bihun's+pastas+ramen,n opkos lamb...mum's cooking always the besh...(me loike kimchi so, for me i'm the besh in making my own style of kimchie...terbaek...haha masuk bakul angat tapi tapi my fren approved lar my kimchi sgt sedap...fresh n nice!knp xpecaye?meh sini dtg umah i guarantee u'll agreed wit 'em...hehe xdela bole lar....V(*v*)V
cite2 mmg nk bukak korean's restaurant memandangkn kebanyakkn restaurant kt kl n selangor kureng besh n fresh...n restaurant foreigner nie susah nk cari yg halal kan....
(eh if ada suggestion mana tmpt mkn besh kt area kl n sel nie kabar2 kn lar yerk.... :)....)
eh alamak dh 11.30am....erk, review blk above nie mcm xda point jek...(okey me bf tarak, maafkan lar nie byk mende yg x berfaedah, cume borak2 biase jek okey...gomen! :)
okey lar...wish all of u a very happy day today n always yuh....ja'... ~(*V*)~
p/s:miss u so much, pk spr bz....
sebotol susu kambing...
erm tah utk conference tah untuk defense proposal...
mana2 saja...
asal sumer nyer bergerak secare consistent...,
apa yg penting>>>>KERJASAMA.....
antara minda dan hati....serta niat.....
kalau tiga2 nie tak cooperate alamatnyer seperti hari nie....
minda banyak idea tapi hati serase malas....niat pulak berbelah bagi....
mcm mana? mcm mana?
teda penghujung sudah....
jamkarmmanyung.....chotto matte....
eh, nani ka....ottoekke....
ya semua bahasa yg ku suke akan ku gunekan bile minda dlm keadaan separuh....
maaf yerk kawan2....
harap maklum....
p/s:pk spr bz..... watashi wa son'nani nogasu ! watashi wa hontōni misu wo ketsujō .
anata no koto matteru yo!!!!hurm....semoga sihat selalu dan senyum slalu yuh!!! ~(*v*)~
aaaahhh knp rnd sgt nie....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
3 R mode....but....
ada ubat tak???
tak tenang...
betul kata org zaman skng,
luahkan saja buat apa di simpan dalam hati...
tapi tapi....
courage utk luahkan itu,
rase lagik dasyat dari pegi exam or conference....
berdoa saja yg mampu...
tetibe hari nie jadi a bit emotional lar plak..
mak aih...
berdalih lagik...
sembunyi lagik...
dgn harapan pk spr bz akan mengerti
suatu hari nanti...
mungkin byk case,
mungkin byk org yg menunggu pk spr bz di hospital...
mereka lagik penting,
soal nyawa,
soal kesihatan,
soal kebahagian...
sgt degil,
mmg sgt degil...
tp kenapa?
masih menunggu?
bermain dgn kata2...
Pk spr bz...
i miss you!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
my besh fren engagement day ! 21/2/2010
happy for you dear...
officially emy's big day on october and wa november tis year 2010!
wow i cant imagine it....
since dari diploma kite kenal till korang nk kawin dah...rase mcm cepat mase berlalu but terase lambat semase 'berperang' utk diploma and bachelor degree....
byk kisah2 happy and pahit manis masam masin pedas kelat semua lar secukup rase....
one day bile korang dah ada anak2 bleh kite wat gathering borak2 pasal masa lalu yg happy jek tau... yg tak happy abaikan hahaha.....
sgt klakar today, wa sms mlm td or should i say pukul 2 am seawal pagi di mana ku sudah berlayar di alam mimpi hehe....
>jemput dtg kenduri kecik2 lepas zohor....dtg tau.
my interpretation> erk mkn2 mcm biase ke?
my mum>tah2 wa nk bertunang tak?
me again>ishk takkn lar ma, takkn tak bagitau....
ok solution 1pm call wa>wa nie kenduri ape?mkn2 cm besa ker?
wa>ala buat kenduri kecik2 jek...datang lar dlm pukul 3pm ke...datang tau!aku ada cite nak bagitau ko nie...hehehe...
me>okey...hah cite ape?eh wa serious nie kenduri ape?
wa>hehe xdalar bos aku datang (bos aka boypren) datang tau!
me>hah? bos
wa>aku bertunang arinie.
me>speechless for awhile.....huh!(sambil ketawe krn tidak percaye ape dgn berite terbaru) betul ke nie wa...ang bertunang arinie???kang den datang pakai baju biase karang haru...
wa>iyer aku bertunang jgn ko..hahaha....datang lar.....
me>pergh nasib call dulu...kalau tak malu hahahahahaha....okey.
begitu lar citer pada hari ini....rupenyer tak jadi pegi JB ada hikmah di sebalik nyer... i'm the only close fren yg dtg pada hari pertunangan wa...hari bersejarah tue...i'm the first yg jumpe bos aka boyfren wa n i'm the only one yg attend her engagement fuh proud gak ek...hehe :D
besh of luck minna!wish u all a happy n successful life forever! muaaaahhhh lurve u all so much!
sekian.... ~(*v*)~
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
seperti biase...
sweating walaupun dah pasang kipas thp maximas (erk xda lar full speed but then, supposed bole cool down kan suhu)
situation nie membuatkn kepale ku slow skit utk digest 2 Code of Practice from 2 negare yg sgt baik hati memberi COP mereka secare free dr alam cyber...(thank you, and i wont forget to cite both of u...arigato2!)
kadang2 bile habis satu topic, baru kita perasan. rupenyer2 masih banyak improvement yg perlu kita buat regardless priority. ooohhh (diam jap, lupe plak masalah budget seperti biase).
perlu ke kita mencari yg senang untuk mencapai sesuatu yg boleh dibanggakan (memang lar bole dalam sekelip mata) ataupun kita bersusah dahulu penat,letih,lelah,jerih....untuk mencapai satu kepuasan yg hanya kita sendiri akan faham....(but ada orang kata terlalu ambitious and your level is not there yet to do something that will grant you the next level...belum ada di sini lagik) sigh!
dengil sangat ke diri nie, sampai setiap kata2 negative tue seperti pembakar semangat utk mencari lebih banyak lagik reason to justify why why n why i want this as mine... become a pioneer to fulfill my own satisfaction....
base on law of attraction (tak abes bace lagik, and thanks saufi kerana berbaik hati men'summary'kan part2 yg penting2< ayat hancuss dari ku) walau mcm mana negative pun orang anggap kita tetap percaya yg kita akan dapat attract sume sources yg bole menyebabkan kita achieved apa yg kita nak....paling penting dan wajib!
insyaALLAH semoga ALLAH tunjukkan diri nie ke jalan yg benar dan sentiasa memberi hidayah kpd diri nie yg selalu alpa dan berbuat silap....
okey lar dah...still got hundredzzzzzz pages of cop and bla bla bla to digest....
okey...oyasumi minna...ja' ~(*v*)~
Monday, February 15, 2010
rase malas yg amat..
last few weeks memang mencabar physical n mental, rase nak duduk jap kt tepi jalan amik napas dalam2...
Alhamdulillah, sumer dah settled (eh yeke, puan kt jpbsm tue kata "nnt kami akan submit pd KPT, tapi tak tau meeting bile""erm bukan bwah u*** ke puan?"....puan jpbsm "kalau tak dapat baru masuk bawah u***) sigh!
okey mengikut estimation by kakak bilik sebelah around 2 months...WoW! 2 month....(nasib baik takda hutang apa2 or tanggungan apa2...ku ke yg bersalah???mungkin, trime jela)
dah 3 hari buat keje mcm tak buat keje....masih confuse???mungkin...print print and print lagik...
at least buat sesuatu (sedap kan hati, but bile pikir pasal my supervisor alahai hati tak senang kembali....)
masih tercari2, mencari2, sebuah pencarian yg tak tau bile akan berjumpe dgn sesuatu yg di cari...(okey nie kata2 manusia yg dalam kekeliruan...lagik banyak kita bace, lagik keliru lar kita jadi some point memang confident abes apa focus kita...but then at some point, eh betul ke nie...???)
ada org kata, "eh your topic macam impossible lar nak buat...dapat banyak info tak?"....
me, "erm tak banyak...just general sajalar, but xda yg specific into wut i wanna do"...
org, "so, if takda for me better drop...i did it half way then i dropped it, sebab malaysia negara membangun dan masih tak perlu lagik"....
me, "okey...thanks!"
org len, "buat ape you nak susah2, you change it now and buat sama dgn your friend nanti nak buat survey bole pegi same2...kan senang...find something yg you bole dapat kt library kita nie (wow, sukar utk percaye kata2 ini kuar dari seseorg yg ku kenali sebagai seorg perfectionist)....
p/s:sekiranya org len nie terbace, saya mintak ampun dulu hehe :) peace no war!
okey semua tue adalah ayat membangun...if semua positive tat will be odd rite...
so ape kite buat?.....(cadangan di buke kpd semua yg membace)
sampai di sini mum dah bace ler pulak...aiseh...kene cepat2 end kn session luahan secepatnyar!!!dia sudah panggil mau keluar pi alamanda...
see yar...cheers! ~(*v*)~
p/s:pak super busy, kamu busy lagik ke harinie???i knw smalam on call, but takkn hari nie pun keje tido tak hingat dunia???ishk ishk ishk....
wuteva it is, hope u fine and smile always yuh...i loike it hehe...ishk merepek plak depan lappy nie sambil sengih2....
Friday, January 8, 2010
9th jan btl ke nie?
wait doc. i'll send it to you ASAP.....huhu...
been to NIOSH bangi (still you have to find it manually...their opac not efficient at all haiya wasting time lar....)
then noon to uitm...ok u might think i'm outta of my sane mind hahaha....well at least i've try my besh to find all necessary material for my soon to be research...
meanwhile, my dear pak super busy sms me...hehe as usual i know wit ma heart dia super busy yesterday...hehehe...
wokey need my beauty sleep...tomorrow gt class to attend! whoa....ok nite nite...
sweet dream pak super bz.... :)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
8th jan 2010....SEMANGAT :)
lotsa unwanted event occurred yesterday...sorta things u wouldn't even want to remember at all...
enuf bout that...something that we cannot reverse back not worthy to be remembered...
take a break (bread with peanut butter hehe) i have to/must/wajib/musti/ tak kire walau ape care sekalipun kene p NIOSH n tat 'bukit tinggi'....haiya...
ignore all, ignore, i will.....SEMANGAT..tis is important though...
nuthin' much to say...thats all...
see yar all later than...tata :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
life...unpredictable..7th jan 2010
am sorry, exhausted yesterday....
mana tak nyer...1 whole day pusing dlm uitm semate mate cari IPSIS...but at the end cume sedikit kata2 penerangan sebagai confirmation yg kami dapat...huhu...sangat penat....
well something happened last nite...guess wut, my fren's bf ym me...WHOA surprise surprise... pelik gak mcm mane dia bole dpt email...hurm curious...
well i cant really said i knew all bout 'em to him...i just said...well i didnt know the detail, so i cant comment the thing is life must go on, if that is what she wants and already decided, u should respect her decision.okey...hurm ayat pusing...(i do think sumthing wrong wit that guy at that time actually, try me besh to pick a good word thn....huhu scary....who knows that he might used all that to twist the situation now....yikes....amit amit)
and he also confessing something that sooooooo unexpectedly.....i advise him(try me besh here) n he keep saying being hypocrite...well dude chill, as long as you realize that you were wrong, its a gud enuf for the fresh i rite? yeah am rite!
well well tak bole nk digest all (my brain, really really really in the critical state to store n create great words hahaha....)......suke ati, nak ikut ikut lar, tak nak ikut up to u...kan kan...kite hanya bole nasihat jek but to force some1 i dont think it will work tat way...
ok enuf of tat...
well my lecturer hehe (en Kamran Shevarebi Ali) jadi pelakon ok...hahaha astro oasis every sunday cite tajuk tikar sejadah ke apa tah lupe....and 1st episode actually buat dekat rumah dia di Bukit Jelutong....Pn Zarina (oh well prof Zarina actually n en kamran Prof Dr actually hahaha...suke2 hati pgl en saja...dah terbiase)....semangat pn cite pasal shooting tue, hahaha....
and theater charity tis saturday n sunday dekat dewan DBKL jln Raja sesape yg terbace my blog nie di alu2kan datang utk tgk theater musical kata besh and as usual en kamran terlibat sekali super lecturer semua pun ok, jalan....funny orangnyer...
ok lar...hari nie nk cari lagik material utk proposal coz next week dah kene submit or my Dekan will whoa cant imagine it...
see yar all next time....
Sunday, January 3, 2010
3rd jan 2010
i would say, i'm done but i couldn't...
If a person gives great pieces of advice, it doesn't mean he's not capable of doing any mistake.
If a person doesn't show any sign of weakness, it doesn;t mean he's not afraid of anything.
And if a person always display a smile, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to be sad and cry.
Remember that having a face of a clown doesn't mean you're really happy and numb from all the pain the world gives you
Because you have this one thing that makes you different from a stone .......
from a friend of mine...
perhaps somehow people around me get the wrong idea about me...
there are people who keep what they feel. they still smile though it hurts so much. pretend to be fine, to be strong even if inside they're dying...yes i'm one of them...
for the sake of the people that we love so much, you'll try your best to be perfecto in front of them...but deep inside still hoping that one day someone can realize it and rescue you from loneliness...
but at the end, all the hardship has become your strength to move on and capable to take care of yourself, become more independent...and only God can restore peace in your heart through believe and trust without doubt ....power of will, human will...sweet success....
stop making excuses ily, just to make your heart feel better...pray harder for strength and SABAR...assobaru minal iman!dont give up...dont let go your dreams....
at least, at least pak spr bz still have time for you....tats enuf for me, one spark of hope is enuf to bring joy for me....people might say i'm living in what, me life brings no harm to let me be...yes, i do like him...yes, its true somehow along the way without me aware, i actually fallin in love with him...without him knowing, i love him and i do not have enuf courage to tell him... (mind my english, i always thought that english is the most ridiculous language in the world! am not interested in grammar either...not fancy it at all!)
somehow i feels like he would be a great hubby and daddy... (WoW...i cant believe i said that!)
well, bad example circulating surround me and that definitely bring bad images bout that particular issues...
wah sai...its getting longer!
okie okie,i need to stop here...nah, who cares,no one going to read it...hidden blogger/erm dairy?/ wuteva it is....
surprisingly i feels much better to people who create this blog stuff!
okey, need my beauty sleep...tired,zero energy.....
oyasumi minna! :)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
its 2nd jan 2010
hari nie, 1 hari korek idea dalam kepala and try cari material untuk research..
whoa,help i'm a fish! haha just kidding...
hurm, wonder buat ape ek pak super busy hari nie...keje ke?outing ke?men game ke?
curious sangat....well susah nyer nak cakap and slalu speechless...
berangan untuk hari nie
me: Pak super busy, buatpe tue?tgh cari idea nie untuk come out with the new title for research..
PSB: kat rumah cuci baju(usual answer, but surprisingly make me happy, hehe coz bole comment and bayangkan muke dia macam mane)
me: aaa...ek. hehe....xda plan ke untuk hari nie?
PSB: xda, kenape?
me: xdala, saje tanye...mana tau kot kot pegi kuar mane2 ke...
time for my imagination...
PSB: nak kuar ke?if nak kuar bole je.
me: really?waaa besh2...betul nie? :p
PSB: betul, jom lar...
aaaaa beshnyer kalau macam reality, fuh jauh pangang dari api...baru nampak orang tue masuk pintu dh gelabah cabut lari semunyi chepat chepat kikiki... :p
pak spr bz, i'll try to be the most understanding gurl u ever knwn...i wont bother you...i'll wait for you...and i'll pray that someday,somehow...that one fine day,we truly truly truly perfect for each other...together as one...happily ever after...
nite pak super bz (tau time cmnie pasti dah tido)...sarangae :)