Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year 2010

Happy New Year Minna...
semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki and sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dari ALLAH dengan kehidupan yang harmoni dan bahagia selalu....

malam tadi sms pak super busy,well just simple sms bout busy ke dia n busy nyer ku (kene tukar proposal research lar plak huhu....dah nasib nak buat macam mane, nak tak nak kene lar start dari zero balik)...
then, macam miracle lar plak, pak super busy replied....wish ku happy new year and gud luck weeeee.....(okie memang sangat pelik, bende kecik macam nie pun bole suke sangat2 hati berbunge2 haha)...hari nie dia tak keje but sangat rajin tengok patient kt hospital....(aaaa tersentuh lagik hati kecil nie...caring nyer hehe)

new resolution...
erm takda lar hebat sangat kot...grand2 ke nope...just simple...

1>berjaye mencari research yang tak pernah orang buat and belum lagik orang kaji (sangat penting nie)
2>moge hidup ku lebey ceria, bahagia,happy go lucky, bla bla bla....pokoknya yang positive lar.
3>dikelilingi orang2 tersayang dan dijauhi orang2 jahat....
4>teringin nk jumpe pak super busy lagik, even dari jauh pun xpe hehe.
5>semua masalah selesai akhirnya... :)
6>inginkan family yang ku impikan,bahagia,hubby yang penyayang&memahami,zuriat yg soleh &solehah,hidup yang sentiasa diberkati dan diredhai ALLAH SWT....

sape kate aku tak nak kawin...cume bukan sekarang...just one fine day i will dengan orang yang terchenta....AMIN (if possible, dengan pak super busy wink wink...haiya tak tau lar kenapa, nk kata hensem tak lar hensem sangat but for me cute lar..okie i know, saya sangat pelik orang nya. tapi there's something bout him that i cant explain why i fallin in love wit tis guy....hopefully takda org lar yang bace ek....especially him lar of course...bole malu daku hehe)

ok lar...ada keje skit nak buat....later then.

p/s:semoga miracle terjadi kepada diriku..weeee... ~(*v*)~

Saturday, December 19, 2009



short intro,
i'm still searching erk struggling???hahaha(dari bende simple sampai lar yang complicated)...
11 days to go and 2010 will 'chak', 'greet' or welcoming us to a brand new chapter for all of us...
new resolution?perhaps some of us do need it and i definitely need it too...
so much to achieve, the urges to catch up....
now, its time for me to do the right thing...hurm maybe i should say wajib!!!(xle goyang kaki xwatpe hahaha)...

i have had a very wonderful yet hectic life throughout 2009 (upside down/jatuh bangun sendiri/meeting new people/etc)...

ok lar sekian...

p/s:not fond of grammar,sorry in advance...ja'...